how to make image transfer gift tags + sizzix giveaway

You know how there are certain events that mark the start of summer every year—regardless of what the calendar says? For some, it may be the last day of school and for others it may be the first beachy bonfire with friends. For me, it’s the Santa Ana Spring Patchwork show. The weather is always perfect for sandals and ice cream, and happy, carefree vibes run pretty high. Plus I get to craft outside in the gorgeous Southern California weather. Not a bad life 🙂
This year, on a very summery day, my craft workshop studio, The Makery hosted an image transfer station using gift tags effortlessly created with a Sizzix Fabi machine. Makers young and old gathered around our table and marveled out how easy and fun it was to create custom gift tags. After the success of our craft station, we just knew that we had to share this project with Dear Handmade Life readers!
On a side note, I used to create gift tags using a hand punch or paper cutter, but not any more! The Sizzix has become a huge time saver for me, allowing me to cut through multiple layers at once to create many more tags in a shorter amount of time. Life changing, I tell you!
-lisa rios
to be entered to win the sizzix fabi die cutting machine:
1. leave a comment on this post letting us know your favorite thing about summer by monday june 30th.
we’ll pick a winner and announce it here on july 2nd. then we’ll send the winner the sizzix fabi. be sure to leave your email address in your comment or add it to your profile when you comment so we can send you an awesome sizzix fabi!
***The contest is now closed. Congrats April B!
what you need:
Sizzix Fabi Machine with cutting plates
Gift Tag Cartridge
Card stock
Chartpax blender pen or toner cloner pen (both can be found at art supply store)
Photocopied or laser printed collage sheet
Washi Tape
Spoon or popsicle stick
What to do:
1. Create a collage sheet using high-contrast black and white images. Make sure that the images you use in this project are laser printed. I usually print my collage sheet with my ink jet printer and then make a quick run to staples to photocopy a couple of sheets.
2. Use your Fabi, gift tag cartridge, and card stock to create a set of gift tags to transfer your images on. If you’ve never used a Fabi you can refer to the instructions, but it is super easy! You’ll make a sandwich starting from the bottom: a cutting plate, card stock, cartridge (foam side down), and cutting plate on top. Then you’ll place your sandwich on the platform of the Fabi and crank that baby through the machine. You’ll get perfectly cut gift tags every time.
3. Cut out a graphic from your collage sheet and place it face down on your gift tag. Use a length of washi tape to keep your paper in place.
4. Generously apply the toner cloner to the back of the image you want to transfer. The paper will soon become transparent and you should be able to see through it to the image on the other side.
5. Use your plastic spoon or popsicle stick to rub the image rigorously.
6. Carefully lift on side of the paper to see how your transfer is coming along. If a part of your image didn’t transfer well, lay the paper back down and repeat steps 4 and 5.
7. When your image has transferred, gently remove the taped image, string with twine and enjoy!
Helpful hints:
Your graphic will transfer as a mirror image of the original. If you want to transfer words or a phrase, you’ll want to print it backwards so that it will read the correct way after the transfer. The toner cloner pen only works on black and white images. This process also works on wood and cotton fabric!
summer is when the kids are out of school, coming home with tales of their adventures at day camp or on their latest outing. the garden grows wild and its complete lack of order is what makes it beautiful.
i love an unorderly garden too!!! 🙂
Lazy days spent reading or crafting.
what are your summer reads?
Beach days with family and friends. This summer will be celebrated with the birth of our new baby girl:)
My favorite thing about summer is spending more time with my kids and sleeping in
sleeping in the best! and i can only imagine how nice it must be to spend the day with your kids 🙂
Mini trips and weekends with the family.
i love day trips too! it’s rare i get more than a few off at a time but i totally think an overnighter can be as refreshing as big trip. well… maybe not as refreshing but still awesome and inspiring! 🙂
eating outside!
we use our bbq and eat outside all the time in the summer! the best! 🙂
With the first warm weather comes the Whisteria blooms and the BBQ comes out of hiding. That’s the beginning of summer for me, the sweet scent of Whisteria and the mouth watering scents from the BBQ.
Camping vacations are my favorite thing about summer. Too hot in Phoenix to do anything but leave!
I love spending time at the beach! Since the ocean is quite a drive, I’m happy to spend time at the pool. 😉
Summer, for me, means sea glass hunting. We did it all summer last year and it was a blast. We just got married and moved up to Portland so Im hoping the sea glass hunting is as fun up here as it was in O.C.
Summer means, toys everywhere, a home full of noise and the smell of BBQ’s going. My favorite thing about summer has to be lounging by a cheap plastic pool and watching my kids be kids. 🙂
I love the smell of summer…barbecues, suntan lotion, ocean breeze…it always takes me back to the good old days of my carefree youth!
My favorite thing about Summer would be that feeling when you are with the ones you love and you set foot on a beach knowing that it will be a day full of relaxing. This Summer I had the chance to go to Maui for my honeymoon and my husband and I loved to go to the beach for our newfound love of snorkeling.
My favorite thing about summer is the more flexible deadlines. Sure, I’d like to be at the park/beach/pool by a certain time, but somehow it doesn’t seem to matter that much if I’m a little late. Not so the rest of the year. There’s the rush to get up in the morning, the rush to get to school on time (and then back again in the afternoon), the rush to get the Christmas presents bought (or made), the rush to get the kids in bed. But in summer? The clock ticks just a little slower.
My favorite thing about summer is SHADE!!