Patchwork Show Santa Rosa Winter 2020

Just a few months ago, I was pretty sure that we’d go through 2020 without having a single event.
This would have been the first time since 2008 that we didn’t pack up the van and set up for a day of community and creativity at our Patchwork Show. But, it wasn’t! We were able to have one event this year, last Sunday, in Santa Rosa. We pulled it together in record time and even persevered when a few days before, the governor put California on COVID lockdown again. Luckily, our county wasn’t on the list and we were able to host our Winter Mini Marketplace at the Santa Rosa Fairgrounds.
Normally, we fill the event to the brim with vendors and guests, maximizing every inch of space. But, this time was all about making space instead of filling it! The goal was to create an environment where everyone could have six to ten feet around them at all times. Every booth had hand sanitizer and the wide aisles and super spaced out booths made shopping from local small businesses safe and comfortable.
Everyone was in such good spirits and there was this sense of joy in being together (even though we were far apart). It was hard not to wrap my arms around someone when I saw a familiar face but seeing our community in person felt so good. I’m looking forward to returning to our full city roster for Patchwork Show in 2021 (we even have some new cities in the works!) but until then, I’ll be holding on to the memory of Sunday’s show when for a few hours I got to feel the joy of being together again.
If you missed the show and want to join us next time, join our mailing list.
P.S. – Big thanks to our community partners Radical Family Farms, Made Local Marketplace and Fiber Circle Studio for their support, our media partners The Bohemian and Sonoma Family Life Magazine, our venue The Sonoma County Fairgrounds, our incredible staff especially Spaulding who ran the show and Michelle of Michelle Feileacan Photography who was instrumental in the planning and who took the incredible photos below and of course, our inspiring vendors and supportive guests.
Thanks to all of you and see you in 2021!