I have some pretty big news to share with you . . .
but before I jump in, I’d like to explain the why behind it.
I’m writing this blog at the kitchen table in the house where my Dad grew up—the same house I now call home.
If you’ve been following along, you know that a few months ago I moved from Northern to Southern California into my grandmother’s house. It was a massive change, the kind that comes with a mix of excitement and sheer terror. I made the leap without really knowing how I’d feel once I landed.
And then, there were all of the “what-ifs”.
- My husband, who’s spent the past decade working in Napa Valley’s wine industry, suddenly found himself in Orange County—not exactly known for its wineries.
- I hadn’t lived this close to my family in over 15 years. Would our deeply “in-each-other’s-business” Italian ways feel smothering, or would they be exactly what I’d been longing for?
- Then there was the logistical chaos: getting my grandma’s house move-in ready, packing up our lives, moving, and—oh yeah—becoming a landlord (something the little part of me that still identifies as a struggling creative never thought I’d say).
The doubts piled up. But like E.L. Doctorow said, “Writing is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”
One step, one task, one box at a time. First, I had to get in the car. Then start the engine. Then hit the gas.
An object in motion tends to stay in motion, right? Once that momentum of movement started—once the decision was made and I created my multi-tab spreadsheet of moving tasks and enlisted the help of my generous family—it wasn’t just my location that changed. It set into effect a domino of change. My mindset, my routines, even how I saw myself.
For the first time in almost five years, I’ve been able to stick to an almost-daily morning walk.
Instead of my usual comfort-binge of Friends or The Office at night, I’ve traded my summer-long escape into romance novels for diving back into self-growth books—not that there’s anything wrong with fiction, but it was time to turn my focus inward again.
I’ve even carved out weekly Saturday dates with my son Luca.
These are all things I couldn’t seem to commit to before the move.
And, of course, this avalanche of change didn’t stop there—it swept into my business too.
For years, I’ve struggled to define what Dear Handmade Life has truly become since it all started with our first Patchwork Show nearly 20 years ago. Sure, we still produce events for creatives, but what’s the deeper voice of this brand? Every time I tried to pin it down, it felt like trying to fold a fitted sheet—technically possible, but somehow always a chaotic mess for me.
Currently, the voice of this brand and its mission is to share the good work my team and I are doing—BTW, our fall Patchwork Show season is here, and early bird registration for Craftcation Conference is closing soon! But lately, I’ve felt this growing pull to share more about the other side of things too—the raw, unfinished parts of my life that sneak their way into my newsletters.
Some days, I hold back, worried I’m about to overshare. Other days, I let it all out and wonder if I’ve accidentally trauma-dumped on someone who just wanted to know when the next Patchwork Show is.
It was like making salsa and knowing it needed “a little something.” You experiment with salt, add extra cilantro. Then someone takes a taste and says, “More lime.” That “aha” moment? I finally had mine with the Dear Handmade Life brand.
It came during a call with our COO, Katie Mac. She simply asked, “Why is Dear Handmade Life even called ‘Dear Handmade Life’?” That question unlocked everything! Suddenly, I saw what had been missing, what I’d been trying to define all along.
Dear Handmade Life had evolved from the business I co-founded with my former partner nearly 20 years ago into something else. The “missing lime” was realizing that our events needed their own home, and I needed a space to fully embrace my purpose: mentoring other creatives and showing up as the mostly unfiltered creative weirdo I’ve always been.
The moments I feel most connected, most alive, are when I’m writing these letters to you. When I’m simply sharing—honestly and openly—the stories from my life and what I’ve learned as a creative and business owner. That is my purpose.
And now here’s the big news…
Dear Handmade Life is evolving into three distinct parts:

Patchwork Show:
Our modern makers festival isn’t going anywhere, but it’s getting its own space at patchworkshow.com and on Instagram.
Interested in becoming a vendor? Join the list here!

Craftcation Conference:
Celebrating its 12th year, all things Craftcation will live on craftcationconference.com and its Instagram.

Mentorship & More:
This is the heart of what I feel called to do. We’re launching a new site, thenicolestevenson.com, where you’ll find The Club (our membership for creative business owners), our rebooted podcast The Art of Anti-Hustle, and the return of CAMP, our six-week goal-setting program for creatives.
I feel like this is the work I was meant to do: mentoring other creatives to mindfully pursue lives and businesses they love.
All of this is still in the works, and not quite ready for the public but I wanted to give you a little advance notice so you can be ready when it is!
And yes, I’m scared. Yes, my inner critic has turned her mic all the way up. I recorded a few new podcast episodes (oh, did I mention the podcast is coming back??) and nervously sent them to Katie Mac for feedback. I almost didn’t share them with her. But, that fear showed me how important this work is to me. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t worry about criticism. That fear showed me that this work matters to me on a deep level. Helping others matters more than my ego or fear of judgment.
I know some of you might be here just for the Patchwork Show dates or Craftcation Conference updates, while others are here for the occasional (okay, let’s be honest—regular) oversharing and messy behind-the-scenes moments. So, let’s keep it simple: with the three separate spaces, you can get exactly what you need from us, without the rest being “too much” or “not enough.”
So here we are, heading toward the end of the year, embracing a rebrand that feels like a fresh start. The new look is on its way, and honestly, it feels like my birthday—but you’re the ones getting the presents. Thank you for being here, for growing with me, and for being part of this evolution.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that evolution isn’t a neat, linear process. It’s more like stumbling through the dark, occasionally stepping on a Lego or stubbing your toe on the coffee table, but somehow still moving forward. You don’t have to have it all figured out—you just have to take that first step. Clarity doesn’t come before the action—it comes because of it. Whether you’re packing up a house, building a business, or figuring out your next move, it’s okay to feel scared. What matters is showing up anyway.
I’m still practicing how to quiet my inner critic and take risks without knowing the outcome. But every unexpected turn and slightly awkward moment has been worth it. That’s where the magic happens—in the process of figuring it all out.
Here’s to all of us—taking bold, imperfect, and occasionally unconventional steps toward the lives and businesses we dream of. Let’s keep going—one step, one box, one missing lime (and maybe a Lego or two) at a time.
How amazing! Congrats on your clarity and moving forward! It All sounds really exciting!
Congratulations on this amazing step in your life and businesses, you are such an inspiration! I’m so happy to be able to follow along 😄
Thank you Nicole ☺️☺️💕