Glass Art Inspiration
Editor’s Note: One of my favorite parts of being a part of the jury for our Patchwork Show: Modern Makers Festival is getting to be on the pulse of trends in the craft and design world. Although jewelry has steadily been the number one genre for as long as I can remember, I’ve seen other genres come in just under it. Ten years ago, a few candle makers would apply, yet for the past few years candle/apothecary has been the number one category after jewelry! Although stationary and paper products were huge five years ago, now it seems like we only get half as many applicants in that category.
Knowing what genres and techniques are on the rise isn’t just something I enjoy but it’s something that I need to do in order to plan the content for our annual business and makers conference, Craftcation. We begin planning Craftcation Conference almost a year before it actually happens so it’s less about determining what the current trends are and more about predicting what will be happening in a year!
Although we always have basic skills workshops like print making, sewing, and jewelry making, we need to bring in new techniques, instructors and genres to stay current and keep it fresh and exciting for repeat attendees. Two trends I had my eye on last year were punch needle and stained glass. Both of these crafts had been out of sight for a while but were starting to pop up here and there so I really wanted to make sure Craftcation Conference attendees had a chance to explore them.
We’re overjoyed to be able to share these crafts via two expert instructors, Christie Beniston of Punch! Rug Hooking for punch needle and Chelsea Brewer of Brewer & Marr for stained glass. While punch needle feels like an easier (less supplies, shorter learning curve) craft to explore, stained glass has always been on my to-learn list. I love how the finished pieces can not only become part of your home decor but can also interact with the environment (hello, morning light beams!) to create color, light and pattern imagery in your space.

I’ve always thought of stained glass in the more traditional sense of something you hang in a window but our friends at Delphi Glass who are sponsoring the supplies for Chelsea’s workshops at Craftcation Conference showed me that there are so many other artful and functional things that you can create with glass art techniques. We asked them to round up some of their favorites. I’m in love with that glass art succulent wall garden! I’ll let Delphi take over to share their glass art inspirations! -Nicole S.
Since, 675 AD glass art has been the thing to do. We at Delphi Glass haven’t been doing it quite that long, only the past 47 years! We like to think that qualifies us as antiques, our boss prefers experts, but we kind of like vintage, it has a better vibe. Let us inspire you, teach you, create with you or as our regulars like to say, enable your love of glass. We want to see you be just as addicted as we are! If you want to save yourselves and your wallets STOP here; for the rest of you risk takers scroll down for inspiration.

Need more? We’ll just leave this here… Delphi Glass