Community over Competition – This is Our “Why”
We are so excited to launch registration for Craftcation 2019 on October 5, 2018 at 9:00am PT.
*The first 50 people to register get $50 off our already discounted early bird pricing!*
Join us April 3-7, 2019
Ventura, CA
I never imagined that I could get weepy over a Facebook post (especially one about about pricing) but when I saw an answer to a call for help in our private online community for Craftcation Conference attendees and alums, I felt my throat get tight and knew that a tingly nose and tears were right around the corner.
Here’s the post that had me all choked up:
It wasn’t the post itself but rather what it represented… our amazing community. Craftcation is held every spring and with it brings new members to our collective. But we aren’t just there for each other within the walls of the conference – the spirit of community, support and connection continues year round. AND, not just in the Alum Group.

Despite the fact that I’m “on the clock” at Craftcation, this conference has changed my life as well. As a result of this conference, and its ever-blossoming community, I have forged true and tight friendships as an adult (something that I didn’t realize was possible) with people who I never would have met otherwise – including women that I’d been admiring online for years. I have pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do – more times than I can count. And I finally understand what people meant when they say, “I found my tribe”.
Aside from the quick offer of help, what struck me about the short online interaction that made me cry is the feeling of comfort these two women had with each other. Connie needed help and felt comfortable being vulnerable to share that. Which, can we talk about how hard THAT can be? Just admitting we need help!
And then Sannae, who happens to be one of our 2018 presenters, not only offers her time and expertise but, without hesitation, shares her personal phone number. I mean, WHOA!
This type of interaction is something I’d easily expect from my group of high school friends who I’ve shared every heartbreak and milestone with for the last two decades. But this was a conversation between two women who’ve only known each other for a matter of months.
To some of you, this might be no big deal – but for me –
this kind of support is priceless.
And that’s just one of the things I’m looking forward to in April at Craftcation 2019. Yes, I love knowing that attendees are getting the skills to start or build their businesses. Of course, I love popping into one of our craft or sewing rooms and seeing attendees break through their fear of making something and find their flow.
But, my #1 favorite thing about Craftcation is our attendees. Hands down.
No matter your personality, the opportunities to create a lasting connection are endless:
- at lunch when you take the chance to grab the empty seat at a table full of strangers (even if your palms are sweaty) and end up laughing until your sides ache
- or in the audience of a panel on impostor syndrome when you realize that even that successful woman who you admire has BIG TIME doubts
- after hours in the hotel bar when you’re in your pajamas knowing you have get to bed for an early morning class but you’re willing to trade a good night’s sleep for once in lifetime conversations.
- in a screen printing class when you’re feeling insecure about your design and the person next to you complements it.
When attendees take a chance and commit to be being open and uncomfortable – that’s when the magic happens. And that magic, is this community.
And this community is the only one on this planet that can make me cry about pricing. So, I’m counting down the days until I can visit with and grow my own Craftcation family next April. If there’s one thing I’ve learned you can never have too much support or too many friends.
XO, Nicole